Pixel Gun 3D Apk (Pocket Edition) Download 2018 | APK BEASTS

Pixel Gun 3D Apk

Pixel Gun 3D Apk

Pixel Gun 3D Apk


Title: Pixel Gun 3D Apk
Publisher: Pixel Gun 3D
Mode: MultiPlayer
Category: Action
Platforms: Mobile
Downloads: Android
Download Version: 14.0.3
Apk File Size: 54 MB
last updated: April 6, 2018

Pixel Gun 3D apk is the best pixel shooting game present on play store under the banner of Pixel Gun. Pixel Gun 3D apk is a pixel shooting game which has various online modes. You can enjoy playing Pixel Gun 3D apk with your friends in multiplayer mode. The other various mode includes Team Battles, Deadly Games, Adventure, Time Survival, Death Match and many others.

Story Mode

In the story mode of pixel gun 3d pocket edition mod apk your character is surrounded by the group of zombies that are attacking on your character from all sides. Your character faces the enemies face to face. In pixel gun 3d pocket edition mod apk your enemies include cops, robbers, nurses and swat members.

Pixel Gun 3D Apk

Pixel Gun 3D Apk

You have to kill them all otherwise you will be doomed. In Pixel Gun 3D apk, your only task is to wipe out all the monsters. You cannot let your mind to grow fear seeds within it otherwise you will be doomed. Once you kill all local zombies then you have to face an Evil Zombie Boss. You have to kill that Evil Zombie Boss for the final win.

Cool features of pixel gun 3d pocket edition mod apk

  • There is a training camp for the 1st timers.
  • Pixel Gun apk has better detailed graphics.
  • Pixel Gun 3D apk has cool maps to assist you.
  • Pixel Gun apk has cool new songs.
  • APK Pixel Gun 3D has wide choice of weapons such as heavy machine gun, ak47, colt and many more.
  • APK Pixel Gun 3D has a lot of different maps.
  • APK Pixel Gun 3D includes a variety of zombies and enemies which makes the game more interesting.

How to play Pixel Gun apk

Pixel Gun 3D apk is really an amazing game of all time but the repetitive campaingns make this game a little bit boring. There are a lot of people who play Pixel Gun 3D apk and they get bored beacuase of repetition of the same campaign. This boredom is because of single player. To avoid this boredom, multiplayer mode is present and I suggest you to play multiplayer mode of this game. This mode makes this game much more fun and removes all the boredom.

Pixel Gun 3D Apk

Customization Of APK Pixel Gun 3d

You can also customize your character by selecting skins, caps, mask and boots of your own choice.

Download Pixel Gun 3D Mod APK

In Pixel Gun 3D apk, the have been remastered and I bet you will enjoy this Pixel Gun 3D apk version with newer visuals. So, don’t waste your time sitting idle, Download Pixel Gun 3D Mod APK and enjoy all there features. I hope you will like the Pixel Gun 3D apk version.

Pixel Gun 3D Apk