Java is an extensively used programming language. Java is comprehensive and composed. You can define it based on class. Note that it works with the objective. It helps the developer to write the code once only. But the plus side is that the programmer can use the same code for applying it anywhere. That means one can run the code for another type of java- a supportive platform without any recompilation. Talking about the compilation of Java, basically, you will find it has the bytecode, which can run on any type of Java- virtual – machines. Coming to the java syntax it is the same that of the other languages like C++ and C. As per the report of 2019, it was one of the most functional programming languages. Especially one can praise its usage in the field of client-server applications for the web. Therefore today in this article, let’s get some ideas on the data types in Java and the benefits.
Table of Contents
Benefits of using Java
- Java offers greater portability and functionality. It is because Java can run on various platforms irrespective of the platform. Most of the popular platforms like Windows, Linux, Mac, or even embedded systems have their own JVM where one can run java programs easily. The current era of the Internet would not be possible without this capability of Java.
- Consider Java as the best support for amateur programmers. It is because java is simple to understand. And one can obtain it freely. Moreover, its wide distribution offers assistance to multithreading, network, and multimedia.
- You can predict the outcome of Java very easily. Now it is because the coding format of java is more stable and mature.
- The mature error handling and debugging techniques makes Java a very powerful language. It helps in designing many robust applications in a shorter span of time.
- Powerful development tools like Eclipse and NetBeans offers an integrated development environment for developers. It helps in faster development for many complex application designs. Robust debugging and testing environments in these IDEs assures high-quality outputs.
- Compatibility with other popular languages like Scala, Groovy, Ruby, Clojure makes it more relevant in multi tire distributed applications.
- One of the best aspects of Java is security. By hiding the use of pointers and limiting the access of class and class members in various ways it becomes one of the most secure languages in the market.
- Multithreading is another powerful feature of Java. The capability to perform multiple tasks does the best utilization of Cpu resources. Thus, makes Java suitable for more complex and high volume application designs.
Various Applications of Java
Before starting with the data types in Java, it is important to understand the application areas of Java.
Application in web areas:
Java offers wide assistance to the web application with the help of technologies like JSPs, Struts, and Servlets. The simple coding structure and ultimate security level of this programming language let you develop the language very easily. Today you can find sectors like insurance, education, security and social domains are widely using Java.
In areas of enterprise:
Java EE or the enterprise edition of the java is the primary choice of web developers. It is because it offers different types of web-related services. In addition to that java is the mostly used platform for banking sectors as well. Banking- application includes the java to its User interface as well as in the back- end server process.
Scientific domains:
As per the programmers, Java is the key instrument to deal with mathematical calculations and scientific techniques. The plus side of Java is that it comes with lots of security. On top of that Java works very promptly. One more thing about Java is that the maintenance is very less.
Gaming zones:
Java is a robust language used for programming. That is why it, mainly focus on detecting the plausible mistakes in the program. With the help of java- compiler the developer can find out the errors easily during the time of execution. Therefore, programmers willing to use java in developing games can use it without hesitation. On top of that, it also helps to create mobile-based games that are free of bugs. At the same time one can run impeccably.
Note that the standard of the game programming always depends on the quality of the engine and library available for that particular language.
Application in Mobile:
Developers consider Java as the fundamental language for programming apps for mobiles. It works in synchronization with the software like the Kotlin and the Android Studio. It is because java runs the best on the Java Virtual Machine or JVM. On the other hand, the Andriod works on the Dalvik Virtual machine to produce file class. Later, these files altogether from the Android application Package. Therefore, you can understand Java gets easy with Android.
Graphics user interface for the Desktop
Programmers can easily program the desktop-based applications with the help of Java. Additionally, Java eases the development with the help of the GUI through the swing, Abstract windowing toolkit, Java FX. The plus factor of using the AWT is that it consists of the pre-designed tools such as the button, list and the menu. On the other hand, the widget GUI tool- kit consists of high-end tools such as the lists tab panel, tables, scroll- panes and trees.
Understanding the data types in Java
Data types in Java are the value that belongs to a particular variable. Like, see that if the variable is an integer then the data type in Java has to be integer value only. On defining elaborately, you will find they are two types as the primitive data types in Java and the non-primitive data types in Java.
Therefore you go through the article to learn about the primitive and non-primitive. Well, programmers should remember that Java is statistics- oriented programming language. That means you must always declare the variables specifically prior to using them in the article.
Primitive data type
You will actually come across 8 data types in Java that belong to the primitive category. They are the short, long, integer, double, float, byte, character, and the Boolean.
Developers do use these data types in Java to keep up the portability. It is because the sizes of the primitive data remain the same regardless of the operating system.
Let’s discuss that in detail below.
Bytes are for dealing with the whole numbers that exist between the ranges- 128 to 127. You can use this to save memory. The default bite-size of the data is 1 while the default value of the same is 0.
The short is greater or more than the byte in regards to the size. Again it is less when compared to the integers. The range of this data type is from 32767 to -32,768. The size of the short data type is 2. Remember, that it has a value of 150.
One can use the long when the integer is not enough large to store the value. The range of this data type is huge varying from 808 to 9,223 and 807 to 9,223. Note that the size of the data type is 8 bytes but the default value of the data type is 0.
Note that one can segregate primitive numbers into two segments:
a. Integer type of number:
Integer number type is for storing the negative, positive, and integer without having the decimals like the -456 or the 123. The type you want to use depends on the numerical value.
b. Floating- point number type:
The floating-point number type is for dealing with the numbers that have the fractional segment. Like the numbers with one or more than one decimal. These are again subdivided into two parts called the float and double.
- Float:
Float is enough for storing 6, 7 decimal numbers. It comes in the size of 4 bytes.
- Double:
It is enough for storing the 15 decimal point digits. And it comes in the size of 8 bytes.
Java literals:
When one assigns a fixed type of value to the variable number in the program it becomes the literals in Java.
- Integer type literals:
Integer literals are for the variable data types used for the long, integer, short, and byte.
- Floating types
Just use the floating literal when you need the decimal like 3.145.
- Float :
It can store the fractional type of numbers such as the 3.4e+038 to 3.4e-038. In that case, you should always finish the value with “f”.
- Double :
It can have fractional numbers ranging from 1.7e+308 to 1.7e-308. In this case, you should finish the value with the letter “d”.
Make sure that you should suffix the letter f with the value of the float otherwise, the compiler will assume it as double.
Scientific Numbers:
Remember that the scientific number can be the developing number only. In that case, you need to indicate the same with “e”. This is to underline that it consists of the power with the value 10.
Char and String Literal:
You can use this to describe the string and the character type.
Character type:
You can use the character data type to hold a single type of character. Make sure you use a single quote to define the character such as the ‘c’ or the ‘ A’.
On an alternate, you can resort to using the ASCII values to show off some of the characters.
String type:
A developer can rely on the string type of data for storing the characters that mean the text in the form of a sequence. In this case, one should use the double quotes to define, the value of the strings. One majorly uses the string type in the java. In fact, one can also define it as the unique ninth type.
Note that the string data types in Java are non-primitive. It means an item. The string item has its own procedure. One can use it to carry out specific operations on the strings.
You can use the boolean keyword to define the Boolean data type. It can only understand the values that are false and true.
Non-Primitive Datatypes
Non- primitive types of data signify the objects therefore you can call them as the reference data types in java. The most highlighted example of the non primitive data types is the interface, classes, arrays and strings. Read the bullets below to understand that in detail.
- Strings: It represents the characters arranged in a sequence. In the case of java, one considers the string as an object.
- Arrays: Arrays are objects used in Java having a similar type of data structure. Arrays contain one value or more than that in regards to the particular type of data. It also offers an index for storing the same.
- Java class: The class in java is the type of blueprint that stores all the data. The class consists of variables and techniques. And you can use it to define the behaviour of any object.
- Interface: The interface also has its own variables and techniques like the class. Note that the interface methods are abstract in nature by default.
Primitive vs. no primitive data types in Java
- The primitive data types in Java come in a pre-defined format while the programmer has to define the non primitive type.
- Non-Primitive types of data can’t call the methods to carry out operations. On the other hand, the primitive data types in java can do that.
- Non primitive types don’t have any value while the primitive types always show a value.
- The non primitive do not use lower case letters while the primitive uses the lower case letters.
Final thoughts
Java so far is one of the easiest programming – languages. The enriched API makes the user fall in love with Java. Therefore, in this article, you came to know about so many facts related to Java and data types in Java. No doubt, this will help you always choose Java over the rest.