Nova Launcher Prime APK For Download 2018 | APK BEASTS

Nova Launcher Prime Apk

Nova Launcher Prime APK

Nova Launcher Prime Apk


Title: Nova Launcher Prime
Developer: TeslaCoil Software
Category: Android Apps, Launchers
Platforms: Android
Download Version: 5.5.3
Apk File Size: 8 MB
last updated: January 13, 2018

It is true that most of the Android devices come with the simple stock or the stock which cannot be much customized. If you want to try something new and you want to have best custom looks for your device then I have found an app for you.

You can have nova launcher prime apk download because it can help you out and will allow you to customize your android device. Nova launcher can help you to customize your android mobile but the premium version which comes with pro features is paid.

Nova Launcher Prime Apk

Nova Launcher Prime Apk

You do not have to worry about this because we will share the nova launcher prime apk with you. You will be able to get best custom looks for your android device and can give your device a new and the best look.

Nova Launcher is one of the most preferred launcher apps which is used for android devices. This tool has made millions of fans because it provides best customization features and tools. The Nova Launcher is the most famous launcher because of its high performance. It is highly optimized android launcher app and can do it work as quick as a tiger. This app is 100% safe and gives surety of taking care of user’s privacy.

The nova launcher prime apk gratis is one of the most exceptional and maximum preferred launcher app which can be used to customize android devices. It has gained thousands of fans in a very short time because of its unique features.

Features of Nova Launcher

  • It provides you with the best Icon Themes.
  • It contains unique controls.
  • It has a very unique and highly need feature which is Back Up and Restore feature.
  • Nova Launcher includes the feature of customizes app drawer, import layout and sub grid positioning.

The above features are present in free version but the prime version of Nova Launcher contains a lot of new and unique feature which includes:

  • You can hide your private apps by using Nova Launcher.
  • It has the feature of custom drawer groups.
  • You can swipe icons.
  • The prime version of Nova Launcher allows you to have a lot of more scroll effects.

Download Nova Launcher

So, if you are bored of the old customization of your phone and want to re customize your android device then you have to descargar nova launcher prime apk as quick as possible. You can download nova launcher prime apk from Google Play Store. You can also have nova launcher prime apk free download from this site.

I hope you will be entertained by the new features of Nova Launcher. To install Nova Launcher, you need to have an android device with Android OS at least 4.0 or up. The good thing in this launcher is that it does not require root access, but there are some features which may not work without rooting your phone.

Download Nova Launcher Prime