The top 10 Paid Food and Nutrition Apps for Android

The top 10 Paid Food apps

Nowadays everyone needs quick and easy access to everything. Either you are an android user or gardener. Being a gardner you must need a leaf blower like Husqvarna 150bt backpack blower for removing leaves and dust out of your garden. The amazing, unique and innovative apps of the Android OS have been attracting so many people to switch to the Android devices so that the people can enjoy all the amazing apps on their devices. This is the reason why Android devices have been beginning up in the markets. However, so many cellular companies have been manufacturing the Android OS devices as well, so that more and more features can be introduced. They have got the food and nutrition apps for the people as well. However, the top 10 paid food and nutrition apps for Android devices are:

My Diet Coach Pro:

This is one of the most amazing apps for the people who are conscious about their diet. This is the reason why these conscious people have been using The Diet Coach Pro so that it becomes easy for these people to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This app can be installed easily from the Google play store.

Diet Watchers Diary App:

Croc software has designed this amazing app for the people who like to maintain their regular diet. All the diet and nutrition tips are available at the Diet watchers diary app, so the Android users can enjoy going through it on their devices.

Food Diary app:

When it comes to the top 10 paid food and nutrition apps for the Android devices, then Food Diary app comes somewhere at the top of the list as well. This is the reason why so many people have this amazing app installed in their devices.


Among the best food and nutrition apps of the Android devices, Verdict comes among the list often. This is the reason why so many conscious people have Verdict installed in their Android devices so that they can be helped with this app frequently.


When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, then there is no other app better than Cody for helping the people. This is the reason why this amazing app is considered one of the best food of nutrition apps for Android devices.


There are so many user reviews available all over the internet about the FitStar that tells how amazing this app has been working. This is the reason why so many people have this app installed on their Android devices.

Fitness Fast:

There are a lot of people who have been using this amazing app for a long period of time so that they can keep a check on their regular diet with the help of Fitness Fast.

Gain Fitness:

This is another one of the most amazing Android apps that have been helping a lot of people with the everyday workout and nutrition for making a healthy lifestyle.

BMI Calculator:

This amazing app has been helping a lot of people in maintaining their weight, making a healthy lifestyle and so much more and is available for the Android devices only.

Diet Assistant:

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, there is no other app better than the Diet Assistant for Android users.

Final Words:

If you own an android phone or android device then you must need some apps above. Besides a part we are also providing very fine product review for home and garden lovers, we have a variety of products and there reviews like Husqvarna Leaf Blower Reviews. If you own a garden so must need a blower to remove leaves and dust. There are many types of blowers like corded, Gas-Powered and Cordless leaf blowers. But in my opinion, Husqvarna 150bt is most efficient, cheap and lightweight with long battery time. So for more info about Husqvarna 150bt blower please visit below link: