Amazon Walmart Workers Strike

amazon walmart workers strike

We often hear about workers striking for their rights. And we know that often workers are the victims of neglect. However, today we will talk about the Amazon Walmart workers strike on May 1 of 2020. By the way, their main plan was for the right virus protection equipment. In addition, they want benefits such as hazard pay. 

Besides, there are some other reasons to call the strike for the workers. And that reason pushed them to organize a day of strike on Friday, May 1. 


However, they decided to take their place on the international worker’s day so that the companies can learn its values. By the way, the workers wanted to say that they are unsafe in the workplace. 


Anyway, all the retail workers joined in the strike, and they formed a strong union. As a result, workers from Amazon, Walmart, Target, Shipt, FedEx, and many other firms joined the strike.  


By the way, their demands somehow were logical for the world. But we are not sure whether the needs are fulfilled or not. Anyway, today we are going to present the full story of the Amazon Walmart workers strike. 


First of all, we will give the full history in the next section in detail. Secondly, we attach the speeches of the companies where the workers called for the strike. And finally, you will end with a summary of our article on the Amazon Walmart workers strike. 

The All About Amazon Walmart Workers Strike

Before going to the brief history, I should give you a short hint on the whole matter or strike. Because it will help you know the motive of the workers’ strike, so, without wasting any further time, let’s get started.


  • Firstly, workers from all big companies and retailers decided to strike from their work on May 1. The day was Friday, and they needed to protect themself from the pandemic. So, mainly they are appealing enough protection suits and compensation because of the virus.


  • Secondly, we knew that the workers from Amazon, Instacart, and Target decided to walk out of a job. In addition, they named the situation as a call in sick. 


However, workers call the strike and try to assure the customers to boycott the firms. By the way, some channels predicted that the Walmart employers are going to strike.


  •  Some of the workers stated in a press release that the companies they work for were unable to take the right steps. In addition, they said that they are unhappy with their workplace. However, the demands were different from company to company.


By the way, firms also cleared their side with some statements. For example, they said that they are supplying cleaning and protective extras. In addition, workers are getting $5 as hazard pay on every shipment. Also, they get instacart orders as well as extra time for sick leaving systems.

The Whole Story Of Amazon Walmart Workers Strike  

Prime retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and Target so far have stayed away from the fiscal force. They were defying different giant retailers for the easy detail that those firms. In addition, they have remained open as merchants of food and family basics. 


In reality, deals have flooded for every one of the three. Target CEO Brian Cornell called the bounce sought after for food and family products “uncommon.” 


Every one of the firms has found a way to ensure laborers. And clients as the pandemic has dashed through the US to date, tainting more than 1 million people. They were doing it locally and butchering more than 60,000. Target and Walmart are limiting walker activity to their stores and giving veils to workers, among different advances. 


​But the striking laborers say they don’t have a sense of security. “Toward the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, laborers were exposed to openness in our workplace. Because of the absence of PPE, defective suits, and health rules,” the strike workers said in their delivery.


 “Due to the failings of our managers, a big number of our kindred agents have gotten this severe infection.  And we heard that some have passed on.” 


A Target agent said in remarks messaged to Retail Dive that, “[w]hile we pay attention to them. The worries raised are from a little minority. By far, most of our more than 340,000 forefront allies have contacted pride in the job. 


They are playing in obliging families the nation over during this period of scarcity. At the point when thinks have been drawn out into the open, we’ve made extra moves. including growing the recurrence of overhead reports and adding more signage.” 


Amazon and Walmart didn’t quickly react to Retail Dive’s needs for input. 


Amazon has just defied walkouts from frontman after COVID-19 polluted a portion of the online business issuing center experts. Among the laborers of the May Day strike is Christian Smalls, who was closed. Amazon was getting sorted out before a walkout in New York. Also, Amazon said the expert was closed for abusing security rules. 


Amazon has since gone under test from New York Attorney General Letitia James. Who, as showed by Reuters, the group said in a letter, “Amazon’s welfare and security rates are taken because the COVID-19 pandemic is short to the point that they may disregard it. and a few orders of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.” 


Reports suggest Amazon is fine with the exposure around smalls and the strikes. Notes from an inside Amazon meeting spilled to Vice News showed plans by the group. They were out the case for why the coordinator direct was indecent, inapt, and unlawful, in detail.” 


Walmart then has looked at any rate one improper passing claim in Illinois. The moan against the retailer, recorded after a long-term worker kicked the bucket of COVID-19. It affirms the retailer neglected to execute and uphold social dividing rules. 


However, they sanitize the store, give agents defensive gear. And didn’t address different laborers at the store who educated cabinet they had signs of COVID-19. 


Taken together, the activities by and for agents show the strain of retail laborers at primary stores. In addition, it remains open as COVID-19 moves through the country. By the way, the Amazon Walmart workers strike given a good lesson to the world.  


On the cutting edges, they have been exposed, and many have gotten wiped out. Retailers have to hunt a move on security as extra info about the Covid that causes COVID-19 gets known.

Companies Responses After Amazon Walmart Workers Strike

Till now, we talk about the movement and the demands of workers. So, it was a one-sided discussion for the whole story. However, you should also know how the companies respond to the strike. Therefore, here we will talk about responses to strikes of top companies. 


However, we mainly explain the statements of the companies here. So, without getting late, let’s get started. 


What Amazon Responded:

Amazon said that, although we have full honor to the people who express their rights, we also condemn their falsification.  In addition, the workers union is spreading rumors about Amazon and making people agitate. So, workers should go back to work and stop spreading these types of false info in this pandemic. 


By the way, the real situation is different than their claims. The entire picture is we have provided enough masks, temperature checking kits, hand sanitizer to them. In addition, we raise their time off and payment too. So, we already develop the standard of labor facilities to a satisfactory level. 


However, we have a total of 500,000 workers in the Amazon, and they are doing fantastic jobs in their workplace. Anyway, Amazon also decided on some investment in health as well as safety measurement of laborers. In addition, Amazon declared $700 million for their workers to live a happy and safe life. 


So, Amazon never neglects the interest of its employees. And there is a minimum of 160 steps that have changed for the date in this pandemic worldwide. Therefore, Amazon wishes that the workers will understand the situation and go back to the workplace. 

What Whole Foods Responded: 

Whole Foods authority made detailed statements regarding the Amazon Walmart workers strike. They state that the group of agitating people intentionally make false demands. Besides, there are just a smaller number of people where the majority are working in the workplace peacefully. Therefore, these are not the voices of more than 95,000 employees who are working in the company.


We have taken the maximum safety measurements, for example, cleaning equipment, keeping social distance, etc. in addition, we have supplied masks, hand gloves, and personal protective equipment. By the way, the whole food also said that we are keeping our eyes on the matter every moment. Our coworkers’ health condition is the biggest priority, and we will do it till the end. 

What Instacart Responded:

Instead, published a responsible statement regarding the strike of the workers. They ensured that their main focus is now to ensure the good health of their community. Because healthy labor can help to run the company smoothly. In addition, the Instacart company added that a dedicated team is always monitoring the company’s safety measurements. 


For example, Instscart has made some new policies, instructions, raised the bonus amount, and provided PPE. So, their main goal is there will be no compromise regarding the health issues of every worker. However, the company has expressed its solidarity with shoppers and promised to increase the supporting materials.

What Target Responded:  

The retail giant Target had cleared their side by saying that the real situation is different from their claims. The entire picture is we have provided enough masks, temperature checking kits, hand sanitizer to them. In addition, we raise their time off and payment too. So, we already develop the standard of labor facilities to a satisfactory level. 


We have taken the maximum safety measurements, for example, cleaning equipment, keeping social distance, etc. in addition, we have supplied masks, hand gloves, and personal protective equipment. By the way, the whole food also said that we are keeping our eyes on the matter every moment. Our coworkers’ health condition is the biggest priority, and we will do it till the end.

What Shipt Responded: 

Shipt released a statement for their workers initially, and it was very brief. Some of the workers stated in a press release that the companies they work for were unable to take the right steps. In addition, they said that they are dissatisfied with their workplace. However, the demands were different from company to company.


By the way, companies also cleared their side with some statements. For example, they said that they are supplying cleaning and protective accessories. In addition, workers are getting $5 as hazard pay on every shipment. Also, they get instacart orders as well as extra time for sick leaving systems.


The Amazon Walmart workers strike taught us a lot in this pandemic. It teaches us that we should care about our workers. However, the companies also sanitize the store, giving agents defensive gear. And didn’t address different laborers at the store who educated cabinets. They had signs of COVID-19. 


Taken together, the activities by and for agents show the strain of retail laborers at primary stores. In addition, it remains open as COVID-19 moves through the country. 


On the cutting edges, they have been exposed, and many have gotten wiped out. Retailers have then pursued a move on security as extra info about the Covid that causes COVID-19 gets known. 


Anyway, states begin to loosen up growth and business curb, and stores reopen. As a result, many more retailers will face similar strain toil engaged with keeping up security. So,  during the pandemic​ — ​ and paying cutting edge laborers for the dangers they take. The stakes of taking care of business are high for the two companies and their Agent.