Wisconsin Stay At Home Order

wisconsin stay at home order

2020 starts with a vibe as the starting of a new decade. But after some week situation begins to change towards the worst condition. People are dying in countless numbers all over the wisconsin stay at home order. 

No state or country can save itself from the attack of detrimental COVD-19. The virus originated in China. It quickly spread in every state at the fastest pace. 

The doctors and scientists were in a pinch what to do. They were not able to understand the nature of the virus. So, they requested the people to take the action by themselves. And the most effective measure to fight this virus is to stay at home.

Wisconsin is a beautiful and culturally diversified state. It is a state in the Great Lakes region of the Midwestern United States. It was also under the dangerous attack of the COVID-19 virus. 

But the state government and mass people stayed together to overcome the situation. They managed to handle it to some extent. Like other countries, Governor Tony Evers ordered the stay at the home act.

All the residents of the state should follow the order. In case they want to stay safe from the virus attack. Here are the details of Wisconsin stay at home order.


Wisconsin Stay at Home Order:

A stay at home order defines remaining at home or resident. Where he or she is staying at that time of virus attack. Staying away from other people around you and maintain a social distance. These are the two main focus of the stay at the home order. 

  • The order can change in case of an emergency as shopping for groceries or medicine. But exceptions could be to go out for medical care, food, and essential works. 
  • It is sometimes known as shelter in place order since this is not the case. A shelter in place order means you cannot go out for any reason. Due to an immediate threat to life and safety. Though in a stay at home, you can go out from home for the immediate need.
  • The stay at home order was imposed on March 12 and scheduled to end on May 26. The order asked to shut down scores of businesses, bars, and restaurants, and schools. 
  • But Governor Evers and Department of Health Secretary Andrea Palm extended the order. The orders were in practice by a month as the virus cases increased. But the business and shop owners started to protest because of the extension of the lockdown. 
  • Governor Evers did not install another stay at home order after May.
  • He has ordered a mask mandate for the mass people. The mass people of the state must follow the order. Stay at home order became a little flexible. As time went by and cases of Coronavirus started to decline.
  • On May 13, the state Supreme Court said to follow Wisconsin’s stay at home order. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services issued the rules. The notice limited the operation of non-essential businesses
  • The residents strictly call to limit their travel both inside and outside of the state. 

Some counties and municipalities across the Wisconsin State began issuing their Stay at Home order. And other necessary state orders immediately. Here we will discuss about the Wisconsin stay at home order.

The stay at home act applied in case of hopping for the declination of virus cases. The countries and municipalities of the state quickly approved the order. And the rule is still active under their jurisdiction.

But after two days, many counties began to rescind their local stay at home orders. So, the residents can travel out of the state. Also, people can access the state boundary. This type of irresponsible act followed questions on the legality of the orders. 

Governor Evers announced Wisconsin as the national hotspot for the COVID-19 attack. So, not following the stay at home could cause damage. Since the local governments still believe that continuing Wisconsin stay at home order can help them.

Wisconsin Public Radio removed all information for counties. The places where stay at home orders was not in operation. Most of the countries had not issued official restrictions. So, all institutions have to follow COVID-19 health guidelines. And the stay at home order to the residents imposed as well. Various shutdown and stay at home orders at the countries:

  • Dane Country 

On May 19, Public Health Madison & Dane Country issued a new public health order. 

  • It allows businesses and all non-business organizations to prepare for reopening. But they have to follow the health guidelines and maintain social distance. 
  • No mask, no service act is asked to follow by service providers. 
  • It allows golf and disc golf courses. 
  • Spas, salons, and standalone retail locations to operate again. Even they agree to follow public health guidelines. 
  • The reopening order remains in effect until the critical condition of COVID-19 ends.


  • Douglas Country

Douglas Country is requiring- 

  • Businesses and non-businesses can open by following the health and safety guidelines. 
  • The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation has set the health guidelines. 

  • Eau Claire Country

The City-Country public health officials issued the updated order on 18h May 2020. The order-

  • Asks Residents to stay at home by all means,
  • It encourages local people to avoid unnecessary travel. If getting out from home is mandatory, then they have to take permission from the county office.
  • They need to follow the necessary safety guidelines too. 
  • It allows all businesses to open and operate their function again. They can run their business by following the public health guidelines. 
  • Asks to stop arranging social gatherings. If necessary, then the number of attendees is limited and not more than ten people. 
  • They have to keep social distancing of six feet. Also, they should follow other preventative measures while attending in public spaces. 
  • The order continues in circulation until 28h May 2020. 

  • Florence Country

The Public Health Officer of Florence Country issued an order May 14, 2020-

  • The count announces the country can open businesses and non-businesses. 
  • They have to follow the guidance under Phase One. 
  • The governor’s Badger Bounce Back Plan included the order. 
  • The order allows social gatherings of up to 50 people. 
  • It allows bars, salons, spas, restaurants, and barbershops to open. By following other public health guidance, they can run their business. They should maintain social distance.

  • Ho-Chunk Nation

On 14h May 2020, the Ho-Chunk Nation Legislative Branch posted to its Facebook page that-

  • The state of emergency is still in place. So, they are strictly following the stay at home order and rescinding the order. 
  • The county will not allow anyone to come and go out from home. 
  • The order will continue until the situation gets better. 
  • The website of the tribe lists changes made by the authority in response to COVID-19. 
  • So, for more necessary information, follow their website. 

  • Lac Du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa

The Lac du Flambeau Tribal Council 

  • Approved stay at home order for tribal jurisdictions
  • The order came into effect on 24h March 2020.
  • The order states the order and curfew will continue until the situation gets better. 

  • Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin

The Menominee Tribal Legislature issued an order on 14h May 2020. 

  • The emergency order of the tribe remains in place until the tribal leader made a change in the order.
  • Social gatherings are prohibited, 
  • Stay at home order asks the residents to follow, 
  • The business will shut down till the next notice. 

  • Milwaukee Country

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett announced that-

  • The public health order of the city remains in effect until the next order, 
  • The city announced the order Thursday, 14h May. 
  • The order allows the opening of playgrounds. And other businesses are opening too.
  • As long as they follow public health guidelines, they can run their operation. They should also take safety measures.
  • It also allows indoor and outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people. Drinking and eating are not allowed,
  • The order has no specific end date. 
  • Until the situation shows any improvement, the business will shut down. Also, the stay at home order will be in place.
  • The other 18 municipalities in Milwaukee County also announced an order.
  • The order continues to restrict restaurants and bars to dine. Only take-out and delivery services are open only.
  • The order also allows retailers to open at 25 per cent capacity,
  • And salons and spas can begin operations under the social distancing guidelines. And they have to follow the wear a mask policy,
  • The order remains in place initially until Thursday, 21t May 2020. 

  • Mole Lake Band of Lake Superior Chippewa

The Sokaogon Tribal Council issued an emergency resolution on 21t March 2020.

  • The order restricts non-essential travel inside the city and out from the boundary. 
  • If travel is urgent, then the person or the group should follow safety guidelines. 
  • And the closing of non-essential businesses will continue,
  • That resolution will remain in place without a specific end date.

  • Oneida Country

On Friday,15h May 2020, Oneida Country issued the opening order. 

  • It states the county is following the Phase One order of opening. That means some businesses like salons and spas are also allowed to open.
  • But Each opening phase comes with some requirements for businesses.
  • They have to follow public health guidelines strictly. In case they want to run their operation. 
  • The plan also gives an outline for the criteria. That is moving to each new phase of opening every possible service. 
  • These criteria are fundamentally on the state Badger Bounce Back plan. The plan is under the administration. 

  • Oneida Nation

Like other countries, The Oneida Nation declared a public health state of emergency. The stay at home order includes too. The order was issued on Thursday, 14h May 2020, and will remain in place until 11h June 2020. 

The people can go out for emergency shopping like groceries and medicine. But they have to follow health measures and maintain social distance. While shopping and walking on the road, maintain social distance.

  • Racine Country

The city of Racine, also known as Racine Country, issued an order on Wednesday, 13rd May 2020. 

  • The extension of the stay at home order for residents will be in effect until Tuesday, 26h May.
  • But the Racine County has not issued its public health order. 
  • So, there are no specific restrictions to follow while going out in an emergency. 
  • The country released a report on Wednesday,13rd May 2020.
  • It is about the opening of the country all shops and services. 
  • It will allow the business and non-business organizations to run again.
  • Restaurants, spas, salons, and playground will be open for public activities. 
  • Racine country has not defined any specific end date.
  • For this, the reopening order will follow if the situation stays like this. Nobody knows how things and days change overnight. 

  • Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa

  • The Red Cliff Band Tribal Council also issued their stay at home resolution in 2020. 
  • The council of the country authorities met on Thursday, 14h May 2020. 
  • And they decided to keep the stay at home and lockdown of the tribal community. That was in place until Tuesday, May 26, 2020. 
  • They prefer to close all outdoor activities and social gatherings, 
  • No eating and drinking are allowed outside, 
  • Mask retaining is a must whenever someone wants to go out in an emergency, 
  • In case of emergency, one person can go out along with up to two persons of the same household, 

  • Rock Country wisconsin stay at home order

  • With other countries, Rock County issued an order on May 13, 2020. They are extending the stay at home order for residents until 8 in the morning. 
  • Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians
  • The Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Council also signed an order on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The order states that the tribal isolation order remains in place until Tuesday, May 26, 2020. 
  • Meanwhile, the situation turned in an unexpected way. Wisconsin became one of the COVID-19 hotspots by November 10, 2020. The daily records for cases and deaths through October and November were so critical.

Wisconsin was consistently on the list of one of the highest death cases of the virus attack. The list bases on per capita rates in the country.


Conclusion Of wisconsin stay at home order:

Wisconsin Stay at home order asks all the residents to take shelter at home. The COVID-19 starts to decline its attack. As the only prevention of the virus attack is to stay at home. Also, stay away from people as much as possible.

As the Coronavirus is contagious, it can spread from the patient to a healthy person. And it can be dangerous if someone attends a social gathering. Thus, it is necessary to impose a Stay at home order. Wisconsin is considered a national hotspot for having the highest COVID-19 cases.